Reno Gambi

Barrister / Mediator / Litigation Consultant

One of Australia’s most highly regarded barristers and mediators, Reno specialises in general insurance, personal injury and professional indemnity law. He is regularly briefed by major Australian insurers, as well as Lloyd’s underwriters, and advises and appears unled in a wide variety of common law, insurance and commercial matters.

Select Cases

Matter concerning whether the operation of an overhead street light would have prevented a cyclist striking a construction barrier on the basis of breach and causation; cross appeal on the matters referred to in s 50D of the Limitation Act 1969

Regarding breach and causation in a slip at a stadium

Claim for personal injury damages arising from breach of duty of care where risk is ordinary

Claim for personal injury damages arising from a slip and fall at a pedestrian crossing and consideration of sections 5B, 5C and 5D of the Civil Liability Act (NSW) 2002

Occupiers liability claim for personal injury damages against Council

Breach of duty of care owed by an occupier to a lawful entrant

High Court matter concerning the duties owed by principals to contractors on construction sites

Claim for personal injuries resultant from a slip and fall in car park and whether a breach of duty of care could be established

Regarding non-delegable duty to ensure reasonable care taken by an independent contractor employed to engage in an extra-hazardous or inherently dangerous activity

Claim concerning damages for breach of statutory duty pursuant to Regulations 73 and 74 of the Construction Safety Regulations 1950 and in negligence; whether an Offer of Compromise at first instance can apply to the appeal

Matter dealing with section 65 of the Civil Procedure Act 2005 (NSW) and Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) concerning amendments and joinder of a party outside the limitation period

Regarding Council’s duty of care in relation to footpaths and obligation of pedestrians to take care for their own safety

Costs order against solicitor pursuant to section 198M of the Legal Profession Act 1987 (NSW)

Personal injury matter regarding circumstances of incident and causation; whether there was sufficient evidence to establish that third defendant was negligent

Matter concerning Council negligence and Plaintiff’s contributory negligence

Matter concerning personal injury and occupier’s liability

Duty of care of blood bank taking blood from donor who is HIV positive and duty of care of hospital giving transfusion; trade practices and implied terms and whether there was a contract between the patient and hospital


  • Admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1984
  • Admitted to the Bar of New South Wales in 1990
  • Admitted to the High Court of Australia in 2009

Speaking Engagements

  • Review of Proportionate Liability in Civil Liability Cases The New South Wales State Legal Conference: August 2013
  • Proportionate Liability The Australian Lawyers Phil-Hellenic Association Symposium: May 2013
  • Dual Insurance and Contribution The New South Wales State Legal Conference: March 2013
  • Recent Developments in Civil Liability The New South Wales State Legal Conference: March 2012
  • Recent Developments in Civil Liability and Alternative Dispute Resolution Continuing Professional Development Seminars: November 2010
  • Civil Liability – A Misnomer? Continuing Professional Development Seminars: November 2008